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Welcome in the Tendon Team, Igor!


Welcome in the Tendon Team, Igor!.

In this short interview, we are proud to introduce you a new Tendon athlete.


Igor, can you introduce yourself in one sentence?

I'm Igor Veselić, a member of the Serbian national climbing team, and I wasborn on May 8th 2003.

When did you start climbing?

I started climbing when I was 10 and, funnily enough, I had to run away from home for my first training because my mom was too scared to let me go climbing, but eventually she became really supportive! And now, with the help of my coach Vuk Rokvić, I'm trying to push myself and get stronger every season!

What kind of climbing do you like most? 

I enjoy every type of climbing, but most of all, I like competing and pushing myself on the rocks.

What is your main goal in the near future?

For now my main goal is to be the first Serbian climber to climb a 9a. But I enjoy the whole climbing life, traveling, meeting new people and having a great time!

What do you expect from our cooperation?

I'm really excited about this partnership and having Tendon supporting me on my journey. I'll try to represent the brand in the best way possible because it is a brand which perfectly goes together with my views as an athlete and an outdoor devoted person. From the quality standpoint to nature preservation, our views are the same  and I‘m ready to climb hard, knowing that Tendon has my back! #tiedtobefree

Thank you for your answers, Igor! We wish you a great climbing season and lots of nice moves on the rocks.


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